Short interview with Royce during EWTN’s live coverage of the Walk for Life. Royce discusses the Law of Life Summit and his reaction to the 2023 March for Life. Interview begins at approx. 21:00 minutes.
Fulton’s 1st Birthday
Happy Birthday Fulton One year ago my tearful eyes gazed upon your precious little body.We took turns holding you in our arms.We smiled, we cried and we prayed.You were perfect then. And you are perfect now. Although we are apart, we take comfort in knowing you are...
Summit Law of Life Summit Announced!
New song celebrates the vocation of marriage!
Short film released remembering Fulton – Miracle from the Start
Babies in the womb can hear – originally posted on FB
Since That Day, EP, featuring Fulton’s Song out now!
What do St. Clement, Fulton’s Song and a Recording Studio have in common?
How are St. Clement, Fulton's Song and a Central Illinois Recording Studio connected? Originally published on July 1, 2021 via FaceBook. Providence has a way of connecting dots and filling our lives with tons of grace. Many people may not always recognize the...