The official webpage for baby Fulton Joseph Hood (April 2, 2021)
About Fulton: Fulton Joseph Hood was still-born on April 2, 2021 (Good Friday) to Elise and Royce Hood. Fulton was baby number 6 for the Hoods at the time. At around 20 weeks in-utero it was discovered that Fulton had a rare condition known as Potter’s Syndrome which means no kidneys or bladder. Because Fulton didn’t have kidneys very little amniotic fluid was produced during the pregnancy. Amniotic fluid was necessary for Fulton’s lungs to properly develop. In addition to Potter’s Syndrome, Fulton had a number of other physical challenges with his heart, spinal cord and legs.
At around 22 weeks Royce captured an audio recording of Fulton’s heartbeat from his ultrasound. The heartbeat would go on to serve as the metronome for what became Fulton’s Song. Fulton’s Song has been heard around the world on numerous radio stations and programs. The music video has been viewed over 20,000 times.
During the pregnancy Elise, Royce and the family relied heavily on their faith. They made the decision to fully submit to God’s will. They also made the decision to enjoy every second they had with Fulton during the pregnancy. Elise prayed a rosary nightly for baby Fulton and in particular her rosary contained an image of Our Lady of Grace. The rosary was pressed against her womb every night has she prayed herself to sleep.
Due to no amniotic fluid ultrasound imaging was very difficult because the imaging requires fluid. As a result Royce and Elise were never able to obtain a high resolution ultrasound image of their son. That is until 39 weeks when something miraculous occurred. You see, Royce, Elise, their family and strangers from around the world were praying for a miracle for baby Fulton. A miracle came but not as anyone could imagine. At his last ultrasound at 39-weeks an incredible high resolution ultrasound video was captured (despite no amniotic fluid). A screenshot of that ultrasound is below and depicts something incredible. Is that Our Lady of Grace?
Fulton passed away shortly after the 39-week ultrasound. He was delivered on April 2, 2021 which was also Good Friday. Posts, articles and links related to Fulton’s story may be found here. Thank you for your interest.

We want to thank everyone for praying for baby Fulton Joseph. Fulton passed away a number of days before he was born. He was delivered on Good Friday, April 2, 2021. His eyes were closed and he was at peace. A public funeral will be held at St. Jude Catholic Church in Peoria, Illinois Saturday, April 10th at 11 am CST. The funeral mass will also be live-streamed via St. Jude’s youtube page here.
Fulton certainly seems to have made an impact on countless people across the world. We are so honored that God entrusted us with his precious life for the last nine-months. Thank you for your prayers.
Royce & Elise Hood
Fulton Joseph Video Links
Fulton’s Song. Recorded to Fulton’s heartbeat
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