Demos, Domain Holdings and Projects

All logos represent digital properties and concepts

We need catholic music

We need catholic music

Brainstorming on Catholic Music Ministry.   More and more I am feeling called to launch a music ministry focused on supporting, distributing and promoting artists who live according to the doctrines of the Catholic Faith, and who make music that complements the same.  I’m not talking about sacred music, for which we should have nothing but the upmost respect for.  Instead I am talking about contemporary music that can used as a tool for evangelization and entertainment.   We need music that is fun, catchy, entertaining and inspirational.

Featured News and Musings. 2.0 coming soon – empowering creators to launch stunning websites

  Version 2.0 of will empower individuals, creators and organizations to create stunning websites. Use of 2.0, will start off by request and invitation only.  The platform combines the power of Wordpress along with Divi by... sold via Afternic was probably undersold in terms of long-term value.   Now with just a handful of single-word…

Bargain Bin – November Renewals

super cool .xyz domains – bargain bin

Acquisition of and

As time goes on the single word domains available for the .xyz space become more scarce and therefore more valuable.

Additional Domain Holdings & Listings

eClient Sites